Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Complete Library of Cooking Vol2

The Complete Library of Cooking Vol2

The second volume deals with such essentials of diet as the dairy products--milk, butter, and cheese--the protein food, eggs, and the energy-producing nutrients, vegetables.

In Milk, Butter, and Cheese, Parts 1 and 2, are explained the place that milk occupies in the diet, its composition, grades, and the dishes for which it is used; the purchase, care, and use of butter and butter substitutes; and the characteristics, care, and varieties of both domestic and imported cheeses, as well as a number of excellent recipes for cheese dishes.

Here is Volume here to access

A luncheon menu, in which a cheese dish is substituted for meat, is of interest in this connection, for it shows you, early in your studies, not only how to combine dishes to produce a balanced meal, but also how to make up a menu in which meat is not needed.

In Eggs we discussed the nutritive value of eggs, the ways in which to select, preserve, cook, and serve them, and how to utilize left-over eggs. So many uses have eggs in the diet and so nourishing is this food that too much attention cannot be paid to its preparation.

In this lesson, also, is given a breakfast menu to afford practice in preparing several simple dishes usually served in this meal. In Vegetables, Parts 1 and 2, every variety of vegetable is discussed as to food value, preparation, place in the meal, and proper methods of serving.

With such a fund of knowledge, you will be well equipped to give pleasing variety to your meals. In addition to the instruction in these matters, there are many recipes showing certain steps as well as the finished result.

With such detailed cook books, it is our desire that as many of the recipes as possible be tried, for it is only through constant practice that the rules and principles of cooking will become thoroughly instilled in the mind.

Nothing is of more value to the aspiring cook than such a knowledge of food and its preparation, for, as every one knows, proper diet is the chief requisite of good health.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Different Types Of Roses

The Different Types Of Roses

There are so many different types of roses available to choose from that the task could seem daunting to the novice gardener. If you are planning on planting roses in your garden or even buying roses as a gift for someone that you care about you should really take the time to learn about the different types of roses that are available.

Even though there are many different types of roses there are some types that are more popular than others. You really want to make sure that you are aware not only of the most popular but of all the different types of roses that you can choose from. Taking the time to do this before you purchase will certainly provide huge benefits after the fact.

When most people think of roses they are thinking of the most popular type of rose which is the hybrid tea rose. These are the roses that you see out at the florists on Valentines Day. The reason for this is that they are so easy to cut and take care of. Normally a hybrid tea has a large bloom at the end of a long cane. They are generally upright growing plants from 3-6 feet tall and the blooms are available in most colors except for blue and black.

One of the other different types of roses are floribunda roses. These are less common but still quite well-known. Floribundas were once called hybrid polyanthas. In the late 1940s the term floribunda was approved and is now the most commonly used term to refer to these particular roses. They are typically smaller growing rose plants that have smaller blooms which tend to come in clusters. There are some however in which the bloom comes singly. You will really have to look around carefully in order to find these.

Then there are the miniature roses which are roses that are smaller in bud, foliage, and bloom size. Miniature roses have blooms that can range from ½ inch-2 inches. The miniature roses are incredibly popular and they can be grown in the ground as well as in containers.

Whichever one of the different types of roses you decide to go with everthing should go well. As long as you are well informed you will be able to make the best possible decisions in regards to which you should go with.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Complete library of cooking vol 1

Complete library of cooking vol 1

I want to use this blog to share my interests with those that stop by as well as give them some value from time to time. Considering the fact that I am passionate about cooking The Complete Library of Cooking series fits well.

Here is volume one... Click here to access

This volume, which is the first of the set, deals with the essentials of cooking as well as the preparation of cereals, breads and hot breads. In Essentials of Cooking Part 1 you will learn about the selection, buying, and care of food, as well as other matters that will lead to familiarity with terms used in cooking and to efficiency in the preparation of food.

In Cereals the cooking and serving of cereals of all kinds are discussed.

In Breads all the ingredients required for bread and rolls of every kind as well as the processes and recipes to be followed in making and baking them are described.

Utensils for the preparation of food are described, as well as labor-saving devices, so as to enable beginners in the art of cooking to become acquainted with them quickly.

In addition, this volume contains breakfast, luncheon, and dinner menus that will enable you to put into practical, every-day use many of the recipes given.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Organic gardening tips

Organic Gardening Tips

Organic gardening is not only about the chemicals, pesticides and soil that your garden is grown in. The key goal is to make everything work together to create an ecosystem in your back yard.

Organic garden tips and how to's are highly sought after, and growers love to share their organic gardening concepts and strategies with others. Organic garden growers have the option of growing plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables and even herbs in an all natural way.

There are certain guidelines a gardener must follow to ensure that they have a certified organic garden. This means that everything needs to be organic and that includes the seeds. The best organic garden tip for buying seeds would be to visit an organic garden center either on or offline. Everything sold at these types of garden centers are guaranteed to be 100% organic.

Organic Rose Gardens

Roses are one of the most sought after flowers for many people around the world. They are beautiful, colorful and have a sweet aroma. Organic rose gardens are a beautiful sight, and can be quite ease to grow in your yard. Watering your roses is very important to the success of your garden. When they are first planted, you need to pay very close attention to the moisture level. The soil should be kept moist but not wet. Making sure to check them often will ensure that they won't dry out.

Spring and summer are perfect times to fertilize and when done properly will definitely help you achieve the desired results of a large number of vibrant blossums.

Avoid fertilizing in the fall, as it is not recommended at the end of the growing season. Roses love to be grown next to garlic, so if you want an added benefit grow them nearby . When you follow these basic organic rose garden tips, your roses should flourish in no time.

Organic Garden Fertilizer Tips

The fertilizer that is used for organic gardening should be completely organic and provide the essentials for your garden. Seaweed is a popular ingredient in organic fertilizer.

Experts have found that seaweed is rich in hormones that promote growth and allow the soil to have vital micronutrients such as copper, zinc and magnate. These nutrients will help your garden grow strong with a healthy yield. Proper organic soil contains decomposed plant and animal bacteria, insects, and fungi. This helps stimulate the growth of roots that is essential for any organic garden.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

About Michael Silva

About Michael Silva

After a 25 year career in the food manufacturing industry I started looking for something I could do on my own terms. After a lot of research and due diligence I decided to try and build an Internet business. That was 7 years ago and oh how far I have come.

My relationship with a company named Breezeworld and it's subsidiary companies BreezeInBusiness,BreezeMazWeb and the B2B Networking Portal is the culmination of those years spent on trial and error, mostly error by the way:).

You owe it to yourself to have a look and do your own due diligence on what I am convinced is the last company I will ever work with.

I also have another blog named The BizPreneur which is mainly an Internet marketing / business focused blog.

As far as this blog is concerned, I plan to use it to share and communicate the non-business parts of my life... family, friends, gardening, cooking and a general love of most things sports..accept hockey and soccer :)

Anyway I think you get the point.